Wool and cotton
The Wool and cotton fabric is created by the joining together of two specific fabrics. On the outside there is the wool while the cotton is on the inside. The main purpose of this procedure is to avoid the wool being incontact with the skin, this is achieved by interposing a layer of cotton.
The production of this fabric
In the production of this fabric, circular macchines are used. These speciality machines are able to produce to two fabrics simultaneously. The flat needles (horiziontal) produce the cotton jersey. In this case we use an unmercercised cotton with a soft hand; meanwhile, the cylinder needles (vertical), produce the wool jersey which remains on the outside of the garment. The two fabrics become joined with a very fine Nylon thread. In this way, the wool which is on the outside provides thermal insulation, whilst the cotton which is on the inside, has contact with the skin. The Nylon thread which binds the two fabrics together, remains in between.
This fabric is double treated, first to stabilise the different materials, after which it is soaked in a softening solution for a couple of hours, then rinsed. Finally, when it is dry, the fabric is folded and left to rest for a few weeks, following this process the fabric becomes very stable despite consisting of two different materials.
Charateristics of wool and cotton
This fabric was created for those who are allergic to wool but want to be warm in the cold winters. The inner layer, deliberately not mercerised, gives an even more pleasant contact with the skin and helps to avoid rashes. Due to its hygroscopic charateristic the comfort on the skin is unbeatable.
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